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Sh. Hala Ali Alkhalifa


Education Studies

Dr. Hala Fawzi is an Assistant Professor in the English Language Education Department at Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain. She is a teacher trainer, CALL specialist, and AI in education practitioner. She is a fellow of the Advance Higher Education Academy, UK. She holds a Ph.D. and MA in English Language Teaching, and a B.A. in English Language and Literature.

Dr. Fawzi has experience teaching English in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, and has conducted workshops for teachers on integrating technology into language teaching and learning in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Nigeria. Dr. Fawzi's research interests include the use of AI in enhancing language learning outcomes, technology integration in ESL/EFL, teacher training, blended learning, e-formative assessment, and online teacher professional development.
