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Dr. Yazan Mohammad Alghazo

Assistant Professor

Math and Science and ICT

Dr. Yazan Alghazo is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Mathematics, Science, and ICT department at Bahrain Teachers College, and the Coordinator of the Professional Development in Education Program for Private School Teachers.

Dr. Alghazo is a fellow of the UK Advance Higher Education Academy (2021).

He acquired his Ph.D in Curriculum and Instruction from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 2014, and His Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 2011; He hold a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering from Mutah University in Jordan (2008); and Post Diploma in Academic Practice (PCAP) from the University of Bahrain (2021).

Dr. Alghazo's main area of expertise is Mathemamtics Education, Curriculum Development, Elementary Education, and Research.
