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Dr. Sahbi Bin Ahmed Hedoui

Assistant Professor

Arabic and Islamic Studies

Dr. Sahbi bin Ahmed Hedoui, Assistant Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - Bahrain Teachers College, Advisory Member of the Department, holds a PhD in General Linguistics from the Higher Institute of Languages - University of Carthage, Tunisia (2016), and advanced studies in the same specialization and from the same university (2004), and a professorship in Arabic language, literature and civilization (1998), and before that a certificate of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers (1997), Dr. Sahbi bin Ahmed Hedoui's areas of expertise revolve around the Arabic language and its sciences... , and its education in the light of linguistic and pragmatic studies and the outputs of applied linguistics in research and application in the fields of teaching Arabic to native speakers and non-native speakers, and its effort is focused on developing the Arabic language lesson in research and conducting consistency with the efforts of renewal and development.
