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Dr. Hasan Mohsin Alwadi

Associate Professor

English Language Education

Dr. Hasan Mohsen Al-Wadi is an associate professor in the English Language Education Department (ELE) at Bahrain Teachers College (BTC). He is also the coordinator of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP) at the Unit for Teaching Excellence & Leadership (UTEL) at the University of Bahrain (2023). Dr. Al-Wadi is a Senior Fellow of the UK Advance Higher Education Academic (Advance HE) since 2017 and a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (2012.

His qualifications are Post Graduate certificate in Academic Practice Program (PCAP) from York St. John University, UK (2012), Ed.D. in TESOL, University of Exeter, UK (2009), Masters of Education in Instruction & Curricula Development, University of Bahrain (2003), B.A. English Language & Literature/ Minor in Education, University of Bahrain (1999).

Dr. Al-Wadi’s areas of expertise and research interests are resolved around critical issues in TESOL, teacher education, teachers' professional knowledge, language teachers’ professional identity, curriculum design, curriculum theory, continual professional development, language testing, English as a medium of instruction (EMI), & interferences of educational policy on language education policy.
