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Dr. Faten Saad Abdelhameed

Associate Professor

Math and Science and ICT

Dr. Faten S.M. Abdel-Hameed, Ph.D. from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada & Associate Prof. at BTC since 2009. She was Honored as a Leading

Female Academic in Higher Education & Future Sciences on Bahraini Women’s Day, 2019.

She served as the Chair of Research & Academic Development Department; chair of the CPD and Educational Leadership Programs and chair of BTC college research committee. Dr. Faten served as: main supervisor of a Ph.D. thesis in Environmental & Sustainable Development, internal examiner of a master’s in education and a Ph.D. in Environment & Sustainable Development theses, UOB. She supervised research projects, over 80 Higher Diploma of Educational Leadership Graduation Projects and B. Ed. students' research projects.

Dr. Faten is the Founder & Managing Editor of IJPI and editorial board member of JEPS, DSR, UOB. She is the associate editor of EAIT, Springer Nature.

Dr. Faten’s research interests include Curriculum Development, Science Education, Educational Leadership. She published over 35 research papers in international journals and conferences and delivered many keynote lectures and conference presentations.

She Co-authored 6- books in educational research, educational leadership & professional development. She also authored and developed over 30 science and chemistry textbooks for basic & secondary education, MOE, Bahrain.
