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Dr. Ernest Afari

Assistant Professor

Math and Science and ICT

Dr. Ernest Afari is a mathematics educator, education researcher, and assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain. He holds qualifications from Curtin University, Perth, Australia (Ph.D. in Mathematics Education); the University of British Columbia (MSc, Mathematics); and the University of Cape Coast, Ghana (BSc, Mathematics and Diploma in Education). His research focuses on structural equation modeling, psychometrics, and the application of statistical procedures to education. He has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Afari is a co-editor of the Journal of Science in Learning and Innovations. He is also an editorial board member of Learning Environments Research and Educational Technology Quarterly and has been a reviewer for several journals, including the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Learning Environments Research, and Instructional Science.
