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Prof. Adnan Mohammad Farah


Education Studies

Prof. Adnan earned his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Texas Southern University, USA, and served his one-year internship at St. Joseph Hospital-Houston Medical Center.

His work experience mainly focuses on teaching, training, and supervising graduate students in Psychology, and he served in different administrative positions at different universities in Jordan, Qatar, and Bahrain.

Prof. Farah is a licensed professional counselor and Behavioral Health Consultant at the School of Medicine-the University of Massachusetts.

He has extensive experience in scientific publications, as the founder and chief editor of the International Journal of Education and Psychology, issued at UoB between 2013- 2020. And a member of the editorial board in different regional scientific and refereed journals.

He published and presented more than 80 papers in local, regional, and international refereed journals and conferences, and supervised many Ph.D. Dissertation and M.A. Theses.

Prof. Adnan has contributed to the regulation of Applied Psychology in Jordan and in the Arab region. He was a founding member of the Jordanian Psychological Association and served as a founding member of the “Licensing Committee for Psychology Profession"" at the Jordanian Ministry of Health, and the inaugural president of the Arab Union of Psychological Science.
