Teacher Leadership Program

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The Teacher Leadership Program is intended to meet the needs of all teachers in Bahrain’s public schools by offering courses that translate aspects of BQA framework into practice, which will enhance the teaching and learning process, promote citizenship among learners and to help teachers learn how to use the available data and turn it into actions to improve their performance and the learners’ performance. This program is also to prepare teachers to become leaders by gaining the required knowledge and skills through courses that have been aligned with many top ranking universities to ensure that Bahrain is following the right path to accomplish the 2030 vision in the educational field.



  • Meet teachers’ needs by offering courses that reflect BQA aspirations and fulfil MoE needs in enhancing the performance of teachers which contributes to improving learners’ achievements and the quality of schools.
  • Improve teaching and learning processes by developing teachers’ performance and providing them with the skills which will contribute to their professional development.
  • Acquisition of knowledge and leadership skills for teachers, that are based on theories and best international practices.
  • Acquisition of skills related to guidance, counselling, evaluation, and preparation for teachers’ professional development programs.


  1. Students will apply 21st Century learning strategies and research-based practices to improve the learning process through engaging strategies, relevant curriculum, and effective differentiation. (BQA Academic Achievement Aspect & Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Aspect).
  2.  Students will learn how to promote lifelong learning, employability, and ethical citizenship in the learners. (BQA Personal Development and Social Responsibility Aspect).
  3. Students will apply the skills needed to ensure that all diverse learners’ needs are met within classrooms. (BQA Empowerment and Meeting Special Needs Aspect).
  4.  Students will apply leadership skills to improve self-performance in department or grade level teams. (BQA Leadership, Management, and Governance Aspect).
  5.  Students will apply research-based teacher leadership skills to lead teams, coach and mentor staff to enhance their performance, and evaluate and develop school programs for learners and teachers to lead schools toward sustainable change. (BQA Leadership, Management, and Governance Aspect).


  1. Apply instructional strategies and techniques for effective instruction and reinforcement of academic achievement for all learners.
  2. Acquire skills in designing curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessments based on national standards to fulfill learners’ needs.
  3. Analyze social and diverse environments in classrooms and schools for the improvement of performance, safety, and respect across all aspects of educational situations.
  4. Evaluate learners’ cultural diversity needs to maintain effective relationships with the learners’ families and to support the customs and values of Bahraini society.
  5. Develop teacher leadership strategies and skills for the improvement of teaching and learning quality in school through teamwork, coaching, and mentoring.
  6. Analyze evidence-based practices and professional development programs for the improvement of self-leadership, academic department performance and stakeholder communication.


  • The duration of the program is one academic year, over two semesters.
  • Students study 3 courses each semester, with a total of 6 courses.
  • Each course is 3 credit hours, with a total of 18 credit hours for the program.
  •  Courses are taught in the Arabic language.
  • The program is offered in the evening period as instructed by MoE.
  • The duration of studying in each course is a full semester which is approximately 16 weeks according to the UoB calendar.
  • Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a Higher Diploma in Teacher Leadership from the UoB.
  • To graduate from the program, students must successfully pass all courses with a CGPA that is not less than 2.5.